The effects of the Coronavirus shutdown in Colorado don't seem to be slowing up the real estate market. Home construction suggests the housing market is emerging from the COVID-19 crisis just fine. As the pace of home-building is still ramping up in the wake of this summer’s drop in interest rates, we took a look at the various new communities our area has to offer. From luxury to practical, you can find everything here in Parker!
For the active development projects map within the Town of Parker, visit
Cardel Homes' Sara Dieringer
Vice President of Operations and Sales
In the world of online shopping and factory production, building a home is one of the few remaining things created by man, in real time, in the public’s eye. However, many people find this process overwhelming. At Cardel Homes, a group of experts helps the buyer through every step. One doesn’t have to be a professional designer or a construction manager to enjoy the benefits of building a new home.
The sales team, the buyer's main point of contact, will help by explaining the terms of the contract, the build process and what to expect at each stage. They can assist in choosing the lot and floor plan. After this, the buyer will move to the next phase, going to the design center to work with a professional designer putting the interiors together while staying within budget.
Expert guidance will continue as building begins. The sales and construction team will walk the buyer through important milestones and provide progress updates. Home consultants apprise the buyer of the adjustments and corrections that can happen during the building process. Before closing, there will be a meeting with a warranty representative to demonstrate how to use and properly maintain all the components of the new home. As the project draws to a close, everyone who helped anticipates move-in day with excitement.
Cardel Homes, which started as a small
family-owned business in 1973 and is now
an international company, has shaped
over 150 communities and built over 20,000 homes. Despite growth, Cardel retains the best attributes of a family-run business– quick reflexes, tight-knit management, and an ironclad dedication to quality and community. Each of their neighborhoods focuses on establishing a strong sense of belonging. They are the company to choose when building a home.